Create an Assembly Drawing
- Load title block on top assembly layer.
- Add page # to each sheet.
- Enter design info on assembly fields or designated areas.
- Load basic notes according to board type.
- Load silk Gerber, remove all exterior to the board and copy to top assembly.
- Draw side/bottom view of board (including parts and screws, etc.).
- Using parts list, add find number leader with quantity.
- Add notes as required and triangle find numbers as needed.
- Place additional tables for any wire(s) used. Always add note and triangle find number with basic note.
- Check for mounting hardware on all components and sub-assemblies.
- Check soldering, shrink (all soldered terminals), glue locations, required fixture,mounting brackets, and card guides.
Conformal Coating only
- Place phantom lines.
- Place dimensions for conformal coat clearance with note find number.
- Place serial number box block next to the serial number silkscreen.
- Add appropriate additional notes and place find numbers
- Place appropriate distribution statements and proprietary notes
- Place revision sheet information on all layers.
- Place revision status block on assembly drawing, top sheet.
- Get assembly drawing(s) approval.
- Compress Gerbers into drawing number.ext.