Initial Planning
- Gather required information for part list, required component locations, and mechanical locations and requirements.
- Determine if all components are available in existing libraries. If not, use a component creation checklist.
- Select design template.
- Save file by part number.
- Enter design information.
- Open/load necessary libraries.
- Place components and wire together.
- Note all current, voltage, high frequency, noise and circuits.
- Add a note like the following for the most commonly used trace and space in the board designs: "Unless otherwise specified, all circuits are less than .25A and 30V" (this works for 6/6; .006" trace & .006" space).
- Place power-pin table.
- Place "last used" and "unused pin/gate" table.
- Highlight power nets and check each sheet for connectivity.
- Check for design rules, such as single node net; no node net; unconnected pins; unconnected wires; or other.
- Generate BOM and compare against part list.
- Add necessary notes.
- Add sheet numbers.
- Print and check schematic visually.
- Align/modify location, format and styles.
- Place all nets into classes.
- Generate netlist.
- Archive libraries.
- Check for other concerns:
- Are all IC inputs terminated as required?
- Do IC/components have necessary filter caps?
- Are main circuit and branch circuits clearly identified?